Rishabh Garg

I currently work at Amazon Web Services as a Software Engineer. Prior to this, I completed my Masters in Computer Science from The University of Texas at Austin where I worked with Prof. Kristen Grauman on Audio-Visual Learning from Videos as a part of my masters thesis. Broadly, my research interests are in the area of computer vision and my most reecent research was on generating better binaural audio from videos.
Before joining UT, I completed my undergrad in Computer Science and Engineering from IIIT-Delhi. For my undergraduate thesis, I worked at the Image Analysis and Biometrics Lab at IIITD jointly advised by Dr. Mayank Vatsa and Dr. Richa Singh.
I also have spent summers interning at Amazon during my masters, and at Goldman Sachs, and CCExtractor for the Google Summer of Code during my undergrad.
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- Geometry-Aware Multi-Task Learning for Binaural Audio Generation from VideoIn British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2021(Oral Presentation) [Best Paper Award Runner Up]